It's only natural that all the States in the three-day meeting of police of Maimonides will be a major issue dealt with communism. to deal with the problem simply will not be enough intensive deliberations, but also some new-ways to implement the undertakings. the problem So many things about this, but the police must bring about change in the functionality that is required to be done to meet the deny from being and that is why law and order are being moved before problems grow. these problems sampler harmony became a great challenge for the moment it is difficult to say. the police to tackle communism Maimonides Conference which will be considered new-ways, but if the police does not change the functionality of and better intelligence as well as the States does not com G is not going to be achieved. as it cannot be overlooked that year to year such conferences are to be held and the status qua prevails only. the State Governments concerned towards the police reforms are coming to watch nor underscores their intelligence to sacra Central. the attitude of the States there is a reason behind this is that they used the police arbitrary repudiation it not ready to Prakrit hidden problem that would interfere in the police work is excessively and then even more when nowhere paint problem of communal tension.
Usually nailed the communal tension elements are associated with political parties and they are always ready to support their protection. this situation may be correct only when the police accountable in addition to creating her own work would go a long way to freedom In this Conference the police better. modernization also pending issues related to. it is a fact that the police are gone and the challenges of increasing resources in terms of variety – variety of Donavon facing the only requirement of the modernization of the police.The next point to stay pregnant. increased even further in this direction should be rapidly. it is appropriate that the police requirements are rising, but no one is not listening-to see that the resources and facilities in case of what? The Central Government should be concerned that general elections are approaching as well-as a threat to communal harmony is the increasing anxiety will only troubleshoot when introducing more vigilance at the level of the police as well as political parties will change their conduct in practice. the difficulty is that in this case political parties blame each other to remain confined to the manner of political parties during the anti-policy In cooking, but found fault with the fair show. that's right.