In the general elections in India next year for the first time in a number of rddhasainik millions of young Internet ballots through the mail after downloading it to the BSF, CRPF and retainers as a rddhasainik. forces at the initiative of the EC has been working on this plan.
U.S. visiting CEC VS Sampath said the scheme in the country's remote areas for the seals will be easy to pour through the vote. kamphedreshan of Indian industry [go] collaboration on Monday in the Indian Embassy here during the program, he said, is actually suggesting to download ballot we seriously are looking for defense personnel. Step by step the postal ballots during the election at least one side will visit time. above depending on whether you [voters] send your ballot to the Election Commission how soon. good better if they send it from a courier service. "he said that the upcoming Lok Sabha elections a rddhasainik forces troops are likely to be using it for their number 1 million or less.. use it We have good experience. If it succeeds then we also have other sections could think of extending it.
The Internet by NRIS on voting were asked questions in response to the Chief Election Commissioner said he manipulated voting over the Internet safely and without technology search. you tell some people stepped on the Internet without voting for us how to manipulate technology. currently the electronic voting machine to remove people's doubts, we face difficulties. in such How to secure Internet voting can begin.
When we will be convinced that Internet voting is secure and it is not possible to tamper with it only if we start to get conditions tell policy-makers. Sampat said the EC is serious alternatives to voting over the Internet. the EC legal framework under current laws require that exercises will be postal voting are not eligible according to postal ballots are not his.
U.S. visiting CEC VS Sampath said the scheme in the country's remote areas for the seals will be easy to pour through the vote. kamphedreshan of Indian industry [go] collaboration on Monday in the Indian Embassy here during the program, he said, is actually suggesting to download ballot we seriously are looking for defense personnel. Step by step the postal ballots during the election at least one side will visit time. above depending on whether you [voters] send your ballot to the Election Commission how soon. good better if they send it from a courier service. "he said that the upcoming Lok Sabha elections a rddhasainik forces troops are likely to be using it for their number 1 million or less.. use it We have good experience. If it succeeds then we also have other sections could think of extending it.
The Internet by NRIS on voting were asked questions in response to the Chief Election Commissioner said he manipulated voting over the Internet safely and without technology search. you tell some people stepped on the Internet without voting for us how to manipulate technology. currently the electronic voting machine to remove people's doubts, we face difficulties. in such How to secure Internet voting can begin.
When we will be convinced that Internet voting is secure and it is not possible to tamper with it only if we start to get conditions tell policy-makers. Sampat said the EC is serious alternatives to voting over the Internet. the EC legal framework under current laws require that exercises will be postal voting are not eligible according to postal ballots are not his.