Aamir Khan's movie "Dhoom-3 ' not only to join the Club's 200 million round is set to film a day at the box office, making many records and casts. film release day only 36 million grossed by Krish-3 ' to the first day's most lucrative film.
Most of the earnings on the first day to film the movie title in the box office than to gain many new records set.
-Non holiday day to be released even after the film has tremendous business. thereafter most of the lucrative holiday movie "non" film.
-Film ' Chennai Express ' to the highest earning film in a day. Chennai Express has had earnings of 33 million on the first day, while a crossed the figure of 36 million 3.
-Film not only in India but also overseas also made tremendous business tax records at most three days. overseas earnings to Hindi film after film in North America it has become, in the UK most earnings-to-film.
-Film is Shahrukh Khan movie in Australia until only 1.72 days ago also left behind lives million grossed US dollars. 77 thousand US dollars until life has earned.
-Film in Pakistan bat-bat. in baking the day before the film has only 2.10 million daular earnings.
-Film worldwide release day only grossed RS 56.80 million. which movie to the highest earning movie opening day.
Most of the earnings on the first day to film the movie title in the box office than to gain many new records set.
-Non holiday day to be released even after the film has tremendous business. thereafter most of the lucrative holiday movie "non" film.
-Film ' Chennai Express ' to the highest earning film in a day. Chennai Express has had earnings of 33 million on the first day, while a crossed the figure of 36 million 3.
-Film not only in India but also overseas also made tremendous business tax records at most three days. overseas earnings to Hindi film after film in North America it has become, in the UK most earnings-to-film.
-Film is Shahrukh Khan movie in Australia until only 1.72 days ago also left behind lives million grossed US dollars. 77 thousand US dollars until life has earned.
-Film in Pakistan bat-bat. in baking the day before the film has only 2.10 million daular earnings.
-Film worldwide release day only grossed RS 56.80 million. which movie to the highest earning movie opening day.